There have been numerous references to the brain drain and loss of jobs in Toledo and the Blade article Sunday, September 17, 2006, further emphasized the struggle Ohio has in grasping the causes while searching for solutions. It was stated in regards to the loss of jobs, “The story of Huffy is indeed the story of Ohio. It is not about vanishing jobs. It is about ideas and products that never appeared.”
We must consistently create an educational environment which encourages creative, progressive ideas and concepts. It is essential to continue the progress TPS has had in recent years, but there is a sense of urgency as students continue the exodus from TPS. One concern is that 60% of Toledo Public School teachers and administrators live outside the city limits. We must find a way to lure these administrators, teachers and their children back to Toledo residency so they have more than just a financial investment in the educational system.
How can we create ideas and new products but through quality education of our students beginning with kindergarten and ending with higher learning which encourages progressive concepts? We need a program…
· To offer a progressive approach to the TPS dilemma
· To stop the brain drain
· To encourage enrollment in TPS schools
· To encourage teacher residency in Toledo
· To encourage patent creation
The following proposal is offered:
Hold a summit of educational leaders to include: TPS Superintendent ; TPS School Board; TFT President; University of Toledo President; and business leaders of regional major corporations to discuss the probability and processes to implement the following plan:
Contract with The University of Toledo to manage TPS educationally, financially and administratively, this would mirror the “charter” school concept.
All TPS students would receive financial credits toward college courses at the University of Toledo for each year they complete if they achieve required academic standards,.
All students who complete twelve years in TPS and graduate meeting academic standards would receive a scholarship for a baccalaureate degree of their choice through the University of Toledo.
Reach out to the business community to contribute to endowment and scholarship funds to underwrite the program in addition to funding from local subsidies.
TPS teachers who reside within the city limits while teaching in TPS will receive a significant financial bonus at the end of the year.
Any applicant for a teaching position in TPS of equal qualification would receive priority at hiring over a non-resident of Toledo.
Implement a series of quarterly “Patent” workshops through the University to encourage inventors and provide resources on how to file for a patent.
Through an all-encompassing view of kindergarten through college degree, the synergy would revolutionize our educational system by acknowledging the need for higher education in today’s global economy. Additionally, this plan would offer hope to our economically challenged families as every student would know that through his/her own academic efforts it is possible to attain a college degree.
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