Saturday, July 14, 2007

Solar Energy

I'm ready for technology to find a way to replace oil in this country.
The Blade article shows there is some forward movement, but in the scheme of things, this is just the beginning. We've been waiting since the 70's for a "breakthrough" but as the gas prices dropped, the interest waned. On the campaign trailer, I spoke with an inventor who is working on fuel cells and trying to get funding. In believes if the money spent on the Iraq war had been spent on energy technology, our dependence on foreign oil would be down by 70%. I look forward to the day when the USA is no longer paying for foreign oil -- and it is possible... I ready for it to be probable!


Neighborhood Concerns said...

And what as a city council member will you do to ensure that the replacement of traditional energy takes place?

Karen SHANAHAN said...

NC: You ask such interesting questions, I'd like to ask what you believe is available to a council person to effect this transition.

Neighborhood Concerns said...

"NC: You ask such interesting questions, I'd like to ask what you believe is available to a council person to effect this transition."

Well, no offense intended but you as a candidate made the statement; "I look forward to the day when the USA is no longer paying for foreign oil -- and it is possible... I ready for it to be probable!"

So, my question is still unanswered.

But to answer yours, a council person could research the issue, work with agencies and think tanks in the area and industry and business to see what could be done to cut our dependency on oil and not just the foreign oil, all oil.

So, what will you do to help the movement of the cleaner and greener fuel?

Karen SHANAHAN said...

I appreciate your response. As I campaigned in July I met a gentleman who is researching and developing fuel cells. He is one of many in the area who are working to develop alternative fuel sources. My plan is to openly invite all to participate in the technology meetings, offer their plans and suggestions and seek funding to develop alternatives. We at one time were considering an incinerator using it to generate electricity. The technology was questionable, I think it is worth another look. Foremost, I'd like to see extension coverage of the progress which would promote more involvement. Toledo needs to better promote the positives of the city, there are many. Thanks for taking the time to read the blog and respond. I am very honored. You are one of very few. I look forward to meeting you (have I?) and perhaps you could be part of the progress when I'm in office.